Rates /September/Décember2024

Les chambres Table d'hôtes sur réservation
 (48 heures à l'avance minimum)
  1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons
inght and breakfast included 69  79 96 111

Supplementary rate  per person: 30 euros


If you're bringing a baby, we can provide as much as you need: cot, high-chair and so on (10 €).  Please ask me 

Professional visitors:  please ask about our weekly rates

Apetizer and toasts free

Dinner 32 € wine and coffee included

Children menu < 5 years  10 €

Children menu > 5 years  15 €

Teenagers (+ 12 years)   20 €

In order to have everything ready for you, rooms and cooking dinner, we ask that you arrive after 5.30pm and that you vacate your room by 11am

If you wish to bring a well-behaved and well-brought up cat or dog, we'd be delighted to welcome them for an additional rate of 8 euros per night, providing

you let us know in advance.

A deposit of 25% of the total stay cost is required in advance.  We accept cash, cheques and holiday cheques.

The tourist tax is 0.50 €/adult/night and is paid to Troyes Champagne Métropole